Info Centre

Affecto Team Interviews: Meet Will

We have a new team interview for you this week and it's all about our newest recruit & Client Relationship Manager Will Morgan. Welcome to the Team Will, it’s wonderful to have you!

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My First Week as a Full-Time Affectoite

Now, I’m not new to Affecto, but I am new to the full-time working world and in some ways recruitment too. After living the student life here in Sheffield for three years, I wasn’t sure I was ready for the change; the early mornings and long days. This being said, after my first week at Affecto I realised I was wrong. 

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Common Networking Mistakes Job Seekers Make

In today's day and age, networking and having both in person and online connections is extremely important for fresh ideas, and to build relationships of your own. Using social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter now allow for a much easier way to find people in your industry and to share opinions, access information and build confidence. This being said, there are some common networking mistakes which should be avoided by job seekers.

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What to Include in a Cover Letter

A cover letter is a letter generally sent in addition to your CV when you apply for a job. It is supposed to introduce you as a person and why you’d be ideal for the job. You want to make your cover letter as good as possible, as it’s normally the first thing employers will read about you.

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Signs You Need a Holiday

Everyone needs some time off, a break away from the office and the computer. A break is anytime away when you’re not thinking about or doing any work, giving yourself some well-deserved ‘you time’. Now what are the signs that you’re mentally and physically tired from work and that you need a holiday?

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Team Interview: Meet Anna

We have a new team interview for you, and this week we are delighted to welcome Affecto's Office Manager Anna. Welcome to the Team Anna!

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The Most Common Interview Mistakes

Being aware of the most common mistakes is the best way to ensure you avoid them in your preparation and in the interview itself. This also shows the type of person you are, and that you’re willing to make the most of the opportunity given to you. Avoiding the most common mistakes also increases your chances of being hired as it shows your confidence and competence.

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How to Grow Awareness for Your Brand

Brand awareness refers to the level in which consumers interact and are aware of your brand and services. It’s also about the level to which people visually recognise your brand based on your logo.

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Who said it? 10 celebs who failed before they made it!

Who said it? 10 celebs who failed before they made it!

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Is Recruitment For You?

When you think of Recruiters do you think shiny suits from Next, huge blingy watches and white 1 series BM's. A group of "them" celebrating at the nearest All Bar One discussing LOUDLY how much they've made this week with no care for client and candidate? We think this, as we've seen it, which ultimately gives Recruiters a bad rep, good recruiters exist and we're proud to say we have a team made up of them.

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